
I have a young friend that is pregnent...?

by Guest63765  |  earlier

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i am only 13 but my friend is 15 and she is pregnet! i think it is digusting that she is even sexually active i play to save myself until marriage. s*x is made for one reason to make children if you dont want to have children that you shouldnt be sexually active. but thats just how i feel. anyways im not quite sure what to say to her she doesnt want to tell her parents or her boyfriend and i just have no clue how to help her!




  1. How far along is she? Tell her she needs to see a doctor in order to know the condition of her baby and what she should take to provide good nutrition to it.

  2. First off she needs to tell her parents. Who else is going to be able to guide her, and she is only 15, she needs someone to help her with this situation. What you should do is tell her to tell her parents. That way she can go to the doctor and make sure the baby is okay. She also needs to tell her boyfriend. He also has a part in this and being a single mom at 15 will be tough, unless she has someone who will help her. This is his baby too so he should be there for her.

    It's good that you plan to wait until marriage to have s*x, and the fact that she's your friend and pregnant can make you feel uncomfortable. But you should talk to her in a non-judgmental way. Talk to her about what's best for her child. She needs to go see a doctor, and taking the vitamins they give during pregnancy. She also has to be monitored to make sure she is gaining enough weight and eating right.

    She must tell her parents because she is going to need as much support as she can get. You could offer to be there for her when she needs someone to listen and talk too. Any support for her at this time is good.

  3. Tell her that for the sake of her and her baby's health, she needs to see a doctor. Its not fair to the baby to not give it proper vitamins it needs to grow. She cant hide her pregnancy from her parents for long, so she might as well sit them down and say "mom, dad, I myself am about to be a mom". Her boyfriend, hopefully, will help her raise the baby but if not, she can either decide to raise the baby alone or give it up for adoption.

  4. Well you need to tell her that she really needs to tell some one! Thats basically all you can do for your friend. She choose to have unprotected s*x which caused her to be in the situation shes in now. I mean how can you help a child when your a child yourself? Just don't stop being her friend...Be there for her when shes needs someone to talk to. But thats it sweetheart

  5. It's not your problem. She is two years older than you, so it shouldn't be up to a thirteen-year-old to "help".

    If she thought she was grown up enough to have s*x, she can darned well be grown up to shoulder the consequences herself. Your only job should be to listen, not act.

  6. First off i know how she feels I was I teenage mother too. However as scared she might be to tell her parents she is going to have to do it. The sooner the better. Yes her parents are probably going to be upset but they wont stay that way forever. It will be easier to get her and her baby taken care of if her parents are on her side. As a friend she needs you there for her the most. All my friends disowned me and it was really hard not having someone my age to talk to about how I was feeling. You might not agree with what she did but we all have made mistakes in life and although you might not know exactly how she is feeling or what is going on with her just being there for her is good enough, plus it will be fun to go shopping for baby stuff. It might even help her if you tell her you will go with her to tell her parents, she might feel better doing it if a friend is in the room. Good Luck to you both.

  7. At this point in time it is best you comforrt her. She needs a friend and if she finds our you descusted by her getting pregnant it will make her feel worse and Im sure you dont wanna do that.  Its best you stand by her in her time of need and yes it is her fault she got pregnant but still she needs support. Takee her to a doctor help her tell her parents like i sayed just be there for her.

  8. telling no one is stupid cause she we'll show sooner or later. if she decides to carry to term then she will need a doctors care... tell her she was grown up enough to get pregnant she needs to be grown up enough to tell the people responsible for her that she is carry a baby and needs to go to the doctor and decide what to do.

    and as for s*x only for having kids shows how young you are... yes it is for carry on the family line so to speak, but it is also a huge part of a good and healthy marriage and you will realize that when you grow up....

  9. Don't judge her. If you think she's disgusting, you're not her friend. Just support her and be there for her. Encourage her to tell her parents if she wants to go through with the pregnancy, but help her understand abortion and adoption are options as well.

    So just be kind and helpful. Be a good friend. Put your own feelings about it aside and focus on helping your friend.

  10. Well, first off, once you begin to grow up, feelings about s*x change. Once you're in a strong relationship, sexual feelings may begin, and yes, you may even consider s*x before marriage.

    There are also methods of birth control. s*x does not always lead to pregnancy, especially if you take the right means of protection - such as the pill and condoms.

    But, moving on...your friend needs to decide first what she wants to do with the baby. Keep it? Adoption? (Or in the worst case scenario) abortion? If she does want to keep it, or give it up for adoption, she must do all she can to keep it healthy - which means going to the doctor and getting checked up. Now that she's pregnant, the baby MUST come first in any situation. Even though she has not even had it, it is still her responsibility to do everything she can for it.

    She needs to talk to someone. A trusted adult, like a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or counselor can help her through this, and help her tell her parents and boyfriend. Because, eventually, they will find out when her tummy gets bigger and bigger.

  11. First off, all you can do is give her all the support you can. She needs it at a time like this. Tell her that she needs to tell her parents and boyfriend. Her parents are the ones that can help her the most. Her boyfriend should know because he is the one who got her pregnant. He needs to know what he did.

  12. She needs to go get prenatal care for the baby. She can go to planned parenthood where she will receive confidential care. She should really tell her parents though, they are going to find out soon anyway. Good job waiting for s*x til marriage! It is for more than just kids though, it is for pleasure too...but wait til marriage to find that out!

  13. Sit her down and tell her that you are going to support her whatever her decision.Get her to the doctor for prenatal care and support. Then you need to tell her parents. Then she needs to figure out what she is going to do with this baby.

    It's her choice. Nobody elses.

  14. i dont think what ur saying is true there are more reasons than childern to have s*x.

    and its good that ur going to save ur self for marriage i thought the same way when i was thirteen oh boy did that change..

    s*x is not discusting ur only thirteen do u even know what it is?

    tell her if she doesnt want to tell anyone she doesnt have a choice she has to tell a trusted adult.. n most important she has to tell the boyfriend.. so he can try n help her..

    she has three options



    -keeping the baby and making her life harder..

  15. Tell her she must see the doctor for prenatal care

  16. If you care about her just continue to be her friend and listening ear and try to encourage her to do right with out making her feel bad.  She needs to tell her parents because if she has the baby they will have to support the child.  I also  think you have things on the right track for yourself, you should save yourself for marriage or atleast until you finish school and can support yourself and the child.

  17. there is nothing you can really do but be supportive. She has to tell her parents her mom probably already knows then tend to find out first even if you dont tell them. My mom did. She better tell her bf the longer she waits on that one the more he wont believe her. Keep your thoughts to your self also cause if you tell her what you think now she is most likely to blown up in your face!

  18. tell her her boyfriend has the right 2 know about his baby and so does her parents. she made a mistake but now she is bringing an innocent baby into this world and that baby deserves 2 have a family. anyways her family and bf are going 2 find out so its better for her 2 tell them herself. and tell her to NEVER EVER think about getting rid of the baby. she will probably be a great mother.

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