
I have a youth volleyball team named the Itsy Bitsy Spikers anyone have any cheers that we can use?

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I have a youth volleyball team named the Itsy Bitsy Spikers anyone have any cheers that we can use?




  1. my skool vball team and i made this one up....

    hey hey hey hey [teamname] ------say 2x

    we got our eyes on u!! ----------say 2x

    and what we like most of all ---------say 2x

    it is the way u spike that ball ---------say 2x

    so spike the ball

    spike, spike the ball

    get it in

    spike the ball

    spike spike the ball

    get it in!!!!


    good luck!!

  2. A-C-E   ace ace ace

  3. the itsy bitsy spikers ran up to spike the ball

    down it went and didnt make a flaw

    up went the points and

    thats all I got.. sing it like u would the song the itsy bitsy spiders... good luck!

  4. the itsy bitsy spikers just hit the ball

    we hit it over and you watched it fall

    another point for us oh what a surprise

    the itsy bitsy spikers plan to win again

  5. how about

    power, strength, might we will win this game tonight our spirits are high our team is super hot the itsy bitsy spikers will rock you to the top the clock is ticking the game will soon be done power, strength, might make us number one tonight


    itsy bitsy spikers we're bustin' out we're comin' through we're after you victory's within our reach itsy bitsy spikers on the move!

  6. heres an original

    [when opponets are serving]

    B-R-E-A-K, break the serve [clap, clap, clap, clap]

  7. When the server serves it over and gets an ace use these cheers:

    *A-C-E ace woo-woo ace!


    And when your team blocks a ball use this cheer:

    *B-L-O-C-K Block, Block!

    Also in between plays whether your team wijns the point or not have the 6 players on the court walk to the middle and do these hand claps:

    *All 6 players walk to the middle and 1 person says Ready 1,2 and on 2 they all clap their hands together twice

    *All 6 players walk to the middle and all give each other high fives

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