
I have a yucca cane in an outdoor pot. Roots are growing out of the pot. Should I transplant into the ground?

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I have a yucca cane in an outdoor pot. Roots are growing out of the pot. Should I transplant into the ground?




  1. Yes you can transplant it into the ground but it might produce off spring plants. Or you can transplant it into a bigger pot.

  2. Transplant into either a larger pot or into the ground.  When the roots start growing out of the pot, it's only a short matter of time before the plant becomes rootbound and will start to show symptoms in the leaves.

    If you plant in the ground, be sure to give the plant plenty of drainage.  Also slope the soil away from the crown (base) of the plant.  If the crown sits in water too much, it can get crown rot which can kill the plant.

  3. definitely move it... planting it is your best bet, because buying  bigger and bigger pots can be expensive. Just make sure you plant it where it will get the same sort of soil, water and light as it gets now. If It does not, the plant will probably die.

    Also, every time a plant gets re-potted or planted in your yard, it will go through stress. Give it time -- about 2 weeks -- before giving it any kind of fertilizer [Miracle Grow, etc], doesn't matter whether it's in liquid form or not. It WILL kill the plant. And be sure to check and see if the fertilizer you want to use supports Yucca; giving it the wrong type may also kill it.

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