
I have about a 30 ft long and 3 foot wide area beside my house that grows grass and weeds at a ridiculous rate

by Guest55598  |  earlier

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I have about a 30 foot long and 3 foot wide walkway outside my house that grows grass and weeds at a ridiculous rate. I would like to apply a chemical to the area (it's covered in dirt) that will PERMANENTLY STOP ANYTHING from growing there---ever again. What is the best (and least expensive) thing to use to make this problem permanently stop?




  1. Salt.  Salt kills everything and nothing will grow in soil that has been salted.  It can leech into surrounding soil and kill that grass also, so be careful with it.  

    You could also try RoundUp, but I don't think that is a permanent solution.

  2. Basamid G is a granular and easy to apply.It penetrates deep to sterilize the soil eliminating virtually all weeds ......nematodes...grasses and soil diseases.Check with your local garden ctr. for soil fumigants. Ortho also makes a product called Triox that claims to keep vegetation out for up to a year.As with any weed killer be sure to read the label good...the do's and don't's can give you what you want to accomplish with out causing damage to desireable vegetation. The Ortho product is called Groundclear/Triox Vegetation Killer.

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