
I have about a seven inch rip along the seem in my new vinyl this repairable?

by  |  earlier

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the pool is a sixteen by three and a half foot sand n sunpool.




  1. Yes.

  2. Seam repairs are not very easy to fix. You may be able to do a quick fix for this summer but as far as long term, You will need a new liner. If it was not a seam repair your fix would last much longer.

  3. Some people here seem to think so , but I know better..the repair kits they give you do not even have patches that are 7 inches long to start with..then a seam repair never just keeps splitting further down thw seam 1st time you use patch 7 inches you would have to overlap a series of patches, thus again,...they will not overlay on each other like shingles and get a good bond..You have to crease the seamed area on the patches, this again will not work..some may just tell you what you want to hear..but ..NO..this will not work

  4. with a vinyl patch and the appropriate glue . they repair air beds and there is water proof glue on the market so I would think so.

  5. A major part of any success you might have will be to drain the pool below the RIP, and patch appropriately from the inside. Certainly a decent pool supply store will have the proper substances, or be able to advise.

       As one answer states, this might resolve the issue for this season, but it's unlikely to be a forever thing.

       The issue regarding draining is that any PSI of the water at any level, applied to the liner, especially if the patch is on the exterior, will be the pressure applied. On the interior, the pressure will actually help hold the patch to the RIP. Certainly you can double patch.

    Steven Wolf

    Just my two "sense"

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