
I have absolutely TERRIBLE menstrual cramps help!?

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I tried holding a hot water bottle ... down there and I tried taking vitamins, and I tried excersising, I woke up in the middle of the night crying, it feels like I got my ... you know cut open! it hurts so bad I can't bear it! ( I know what it feels like to have something cut open- not that, ) I did get my toungue cut open though and it hurts almost as bad as that! help!!!




  1. You can feel menstrual cramps in a lot of different places sometimes... in your lower belly, across the front of your hips, in your lower back and even in your buttocks or down your legs.

    Your uterus is squeezing and sometimes sort of twisting, and that can be uncomfortable all by itself... but when it does that it can sometimes pull on the suspensory ligaments that hold it in position.  Those ligaments are attached to several other ligaments and muscles where they meet your pelvis, and a tug on any uterine ligament can sometimes make all the other tissues attached to the same area of the pelvis react as if *they've* been tugged at.

    That can cause pain that rates *really* high on the scale... but it doesn't happen to all women, and most have only some discomfort or minor to moderate pain.

    The simple and cheap way to help with cramps (it's also the quickest, and the most convenient and natural) is having an o****m by masturbating.   It doesn't work for *all* women, but it does help many... and for some, it can get rid of cramps entirely for a while.*x.h...

    "... an o****m can cause your uterus to contract, enabling it to use up excess prostaglandins in the process. Prostagladins are hormones produced by your uterine lining. They help to stimulate contractions that move menstrual blood out of the uterus, and are also responsible for those cramps that occur throughout your period."


  2. Are you sure you are not pregnant?  Severe pain like you describe COULD be signs of an eptopic pregnancy.  The pain is caused by the fallopian tubes being stretched.

    Take some ibuprofen, go to bed and see if you can sleep.  If the pain continues or gets any worse, please seek medical advise immediately.  Better to be safe than sorry.

    Good Luck

  3. Sleep, try a hot bath with relaxing oils and a book/magazine, take your mind off it, maybe walk around a tiny bit, don't cry or tense up because you are making yourself cramp even more. Every girl has it. Why can't you take medicine? paracetamol always works for me, but maybe you can't have it straight after Ritalin. You just have to wait for it to ease off, it should after a while

  4. Here are some tips.

    - Try to relax as much as possible during the cramps. When you get stressed your body tenses up, making it hurt more.

    - Exercising is a good idea. But during your period (and during the worst cramps if you can mange it.) do as many sit ups as possible. The stronger your stomach muscles are, the better they can cope with it.

    - Go to your Doctor and ask about birth control pills. They can help lighten your period, and reduce cramps.

    - Try taking aspirin 2 days before your period is suppose to come. Take them every 8 hours, and continue during your period. This will help fend off any incoming cramps to an extent.

    - Use the hot water bottle as much as possible

    - try lieing down/sitting in different positions. You may find one that is more comfortable for you.

    - Get very hot showers and baths, as much as possible. Not only will you stay fresher and cleaner down there, it will help relax your body and hopefully help with the cramps.

    Good Luck !!!

  5. I agree with the first person's answer. Use Pamprin.

  6. I had the same problem, so I went to my gynecologist. I ended up in the emergency room a few times because of how horrible my cramps got. My doctor checked me out, and said everything was ok, and that what i was going through was normal, and she put me on birth control because they ease the pain. Now when I get my period, it's like I barely feel anything. Talk to your doctor.  

  7. Sweetie, if you are in this much pain you NEED to see a doctor.

    It sounds to me like it may be cervical cramps (I had these, they are different from uterine cramps and it basically feels like your insides are going to fall out of your body), I had these and the only thing that fixed it was getting on birth control. I was in so much pain every month that for two days I would basically lay on the bathroom floor and throw up from how much pain I was in.

    But there are other things that could be going on.  Whatever is happening to you it sounds really intense and it also sounds like something a doctor should check out ASAP.  Going to the doctor for this sort of thing may be embarassing but it can't be worse than suffering the way you are, right? Once you get it figured out your doctor will help you find a solution that will help you and you will feel SO much better.

    Talk to your parents, have them make an appointment for you.  

    Good luck, sweetie!

  8. Get some pamprin, it worked better than Midol for me!

  9. i feel some of your pain. I get cramps every other's really weird, last time it happened I could'nt stop was bad, take some tylinol(or however you spell it :) )

  10. I had horrible cramps when I was younger and would end up missing school because they were so bad.  My Mom would give me hot ginger tea (YUCK!), Tylenol and a heating pad for my abdomen.  Since then, they've come out with some birth control pills that actually help with mood swings, cramping, heavy menstrual flows, etc.  Yaz is a good one and when my teenager daughter starting having the same kind of debilitating cramps, we got Yaz for her and so far it has helped tremendously. :)  Good luck!

  11. If you have it only the first few days I'd say nap/sleep. Usually midol/advil doesn't really work too well so I take it and go to sleep. Because it seems like yours wakes you up, I'd take a sleeping pill to sleep through it.

    Mine personally feels like a hot knife twisting (warm feeling, sharp pain, twisting organs) but yours sounds bad if you are crying. Because it sounds bad, try going to the doctor as there might be some other problem.

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