
I have achillies tendonitis...?

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Well i have tendonitis and it hurts so bad but i have ballet 3x a week and sometimes more and i'm at an advance level. Should i wrap it in an ace bandage at ballet or not is there anything i can do?




  1. If your not going to stop dancing then you need to do everything outside of dancing to make it better.

    I would suggest calf stretches before and after dancing,  icing for 15-20min after every dance session, always wearing sneakers or joggers outside of dance (during if you can).

    Additionally I would really suggest you go see your podiaitrist, physiotherpist, or doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. They could help with strapping etc which could be worn when you dance, to limit the amount of damage occuring. You are better off treating it now, rather than waiting till it is so bad and you are forced to.


  2. this really needs resting, not strapping and dancing!

    sorry but if you dont look after this properly you may never dance again

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