
I have acne and its worsening i stoped eating fast food and drikin soda i drink sooooo much water and exercise

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i dont know why its been an on goin thing for years.... i tried murad..proactive.... nada!! i work at jamba juice and drink the smoothies im thinkin of stopping becouse of the sugar no?




  1. I agree with the poster right above me. It may just be a genetic thing that nothing will fix except prescription meds. So you may want to see a dermatologist.

  2. Eat chocolate from mexico it's the best, plus you won't get sick. American stuff is junk.

  3. You are probably full of toxins.Your system needs a good cleaning plus a healthy menu.Go to a good health food store and talk to someone or research it on the net.Sugar is not helping either.

  4. hey i work at jamba juice too.

    but i think your best bet is to see a dermotologist.

    they determine what things will work for your skin type. everyone is different.

  5. You may need to see a dermatologist for treatment.  Sometimes it really does not matter what you just gets worse.  I had the problem as a teen and still have issues at age 50!!!  My son had the problem as a teen, and it only cleared up after seeing a Dr.  You can spend a lot of money on different so called remedies.  You might as well go to a professional.  Good luck.

  6. Apply lime juice and rose water on the acne affected area and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash your face profusely with lukewarm water to get perfect cure for acne. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne

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