
I have acuvue 2 contacts, so can i wear them to amusement parks?

by  |  earlier

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i am not sure if i can wear them to six flags on the rides.




  1. There's no "rule" against it, if that's what you're asking.

    A lot of the rides create excess "wind" in your face, however, making your contacs dry out easily and possibly blow out of your eyes (or at the very least, be uncomfortable).  Take some moisturizing eye drops (safe for contac lens wearers) with you (and a small mirror if you need it to apply them), and I've also found that sunglasses help to shield some of the wind.  As a back-up, you should probably take your regular glasses and the case for your lens in case the drops and sunglasses just aren't enough.

    Good luck and have fun!

  2. you have nothing to worry about....just make sure they don't dry out...bring some eye drops.

  3. You can wear them during the rides, but they will become a little dry from the "wind" and your eyes will feel uncomfortable. Using rewetting drops will help, but you may also consider wearing sport goggles during the rides. You may look funny, but they will help your eyes.

  4. I wore Acuvue 2 for years and I went to Six Flags in them.  Just be careful on water rides because they can pop out in the water!

  5. yes...

  6. I wear mine on roller coasters all the time and nothing happens. The only thing that might happen is they'll get a little dry from lots of wind. Have fun:)

  7. yes you may and i actaully never have because most of the time at six flags,i wear glasses. Acuvue contacts +sixflags= perfect nothing will happen

  8. They'll be fine. Nothing to worry about. Just bring some moisturizing drops for contacts that you can put in your eyes just in case they go a little too dry.

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