
I have added a female guppy to four male guppies, how long until we have babies?

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Do I need to seperate her after mating or after the birth of the babies?




  1. well it should take a 28 days or a month. well you could separate the mother after they mate but i sometimes don't and i just catch them with the net and put the babies in a different tank. if you don't want to separate them then you can just heavily plant the tank with plants. that way the babies can hide easily. or get river rocks cause my fry hide under those sometimes. that way the mother won't find her young. it's better just to put plants if you don't have anywhere to separate them to.

  2. I dont know how long it will take for breeding and fry but knowing guppies itll happen quick!. and a little bit of advice...putting one female in a group of 4 males will cause a lot of fighting an havoc in your tank.  

  3. firstt off well your acually supposed to have more females then males. also there is really know way to say that she will give birth in __ days. because fish can get pregnant then just not give birth for a long time. but to help raise the chances of giving birth soon you can

    -raise the water temp. to about 80 F.

    - get more females(you should really do this anyway)

    -the seperation? well you dont acually have to as long as you have plants near the surface(i use short plants that go on the bottom then flip them upside down making them float on the surface) this is how ive raised all my guppies.. no seperation needed.

    Once shes pregnant the black spot on her belly will steadily get darker when its black she should give birth soon i would then start looking for the babies after that (they're tiny so loong hard..also nearly seethrough) if/when you find them thats when you can choose to seperate tthem or not but truly i think its just a pain esspecially if your just doing it as a hobby. For more info read a book/google it or ask a pet store :) i really hope that helps!

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