
I have adhd and school has been rough for me I just want to be liked more?

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I just don't know what to do and being myself isn't working what should I do?




  1. i have adhd too... it is hard sometimes but just try being a toned down version of yourself, someone is bound to like you...

  2. To be honest i never told anyone about my problems but then i explained to my tutor and head of house abiut my adhd and the head and members of staff helped me alot. I can get a lil crazy at times and my friends love me for it so just be yourself and if that isnt good enough find someone who appreciates you. Its better to have 5 good friends then have a load of fake friends

  3. just ignore those other answers! they r just mean or at least those first 2 ppl r. U cant be someone your not. Maybe see what other people like and try what they do and see if you like it. Just be friendly.

  4. I am sorry you had such awful answers! Gosh please ignore those answers.

    I know it seems hard at the moment and when you say being yourself isn't working. I know you are trying to hard. People sense this. People sense your need to be liked and they react to that. I suggest you sign up for some volunteer work at the school library or local hospital. The reason for this is that you will get a reward that is personal to yourself. People liking you would not make you as happy as you think, its just a small part of what you need. Trust me! It does give you more confidence but that is all. You have to like you.

    Do you love yourself enough? Spend some time contemplating how deeply in love with yourself you are and whatever your religion, have more faith in the presence of God. This will help you a great deal.

    You see, for someone to like you they have to see you and for them to see you,  you have to see you first. Smile often and relax. Being yourself should come naturally. Focus on your schoolwork, join a club whether online or at your local community.

    I was the most popular girl in school rest assured people love you, people want to be like you, people think you are beautiful but you know all you really need is to find yourself and love yourself and in doing that you will be happy within yourself and in being happy within yourself that would radiate your self confidence and inner happiness and everyone wants a part of that.

    Be happy in all that you do. You have a lot to offer all you come in contact. Be gentle with yourself.

    Good Luck

  5. I totally understand.  I went through the same thing.  One thing that really helped me, was talking to the school counselor.  He (or she) might have a good idea of some things that you can do.

    Good luck :)

  6. Just be yourself.

  7. Hang out with different people. Dont be annoying.

  8. I have ADD


    just laugh about it and you'll be fine.  Me and my friends just laugh when I do weird things.  Like when I was making lunch .. i started opening a can of soup when i got distracted and walked away.  My best friend went into the kitchen and saw it there half opened and we just LAUGHED !

    just think of it as a "OMG hahaha"

    laugh at yourself.


  9. ADHD is not your fault but it is your problem.  Are you taking medicine?  Hopefully, you are. I have ADHD and the medicine helps make me more normal.  My brain slows down to where I can follow a thought from beginning to end instead of racing. I didn't like taking the medicine when i was younger but finally I just got tired of always being in trouble so I just gave up and started taking it an that's when I realized that I was rejecting the very thing that could help me.  Now, I find that when I don't take the medicine I just blurt stuff out without thinking and sometimes I insult people without knowing it at the time.  I accidently hurt people's feelings.  I thought I was just "being myself" but now I realize that my real self is the one who can THINK things thru--like when I am on the medicine.  Most people think about things they want to say and make sure it is appropriate.  I think you and I and other people with ADHD don't have that "stop sign" that keeps us from saying stupid stuff when we don't take our medicine.  Also, when I take the medicine, I can sit back and watch other people and realize that i don't have to talk all the time unless I really have something to say.  I tend to talk too much and can't stand silence but now i know silence is ok. I also thought that I always was being funny and now I realize that I was just being obnoxious.   It took me a long time to figure things out and as I get older the things that I learned along the way about how to handle my ADHD stick with me better.  

    Another thing that I find that helps is taking Omega 3 supplements.  After a couple of months I noticed a difference.  Also, eating an all natural diet--only meat, veggetables and fruit--helps.  I leave out sugar and pasta.

    I hope this stuff helps you.  I wish someone had told me these things when I was younger.  It sure would have made my life less miserable when I was in school.  Now I am happy and feel in control of my ADHD instead of it controlling me.

  10. Just cheer up, and try to be you and not anybody else.  Talk to people and dont do wierd things.

  11. First, I apologize for the rude comments you received from the very people you were hoping to receive a little encouragement from.  I am an adult, I have raised two children with ADHD.  I fully understand your situation.  They too faced the same problems.  Many days were spent trying to help them understand why people were so cruel and mean.  We never found that answer.  One of the biggest problems ADHD children face socially is caused by their inability to mature at the same rate as children their age (socially).  So...the good the age of 13 to 14 girls slow down maturing so fast and boys around 15 or 16 and ADHD children find they have "catch up" time.  You didn't say how old you were, but I assume you are JR High and under.  By the end of Jr. High and into High School you will see all this come to an end and things will be so much better.  I would love to chat with you and possibly help you as would my children who are now 23 and 20 yoa.  I only want you to understand the importance of taking this time and just focus on yourself and your education.  Because when they slow down, you will not only catch up but the respect you will gain because they realize your grades and see you are not stupid, will all pay off for you.  Good Luck, I feel your pain!

  12. I know many people who have ADHD. It might be hard to be yourself, but you should always try be yourself. You should go to your school's physcologist. You should always tell your feelings to your parents.

    Best of Luck!


  13. omfg, get over it.

    be yourself that's what everyone is going to say.

  14. I'm sorry to hear that school is rough for you.  I completely understand what you mean.  Personally, I hated grade school and high school.  Here's one way of making new friends that worked for me:  Look around for other people who are alone or having a rough time in school.  Maybe someone who is new to the school, or someone who always sits alone at lunch, or someone younger than you who is getting teased.  Then go talk to them.  Offer to include them in your activities, sit by them, spend time with them.  And guess what?  Before you know it, neither of you will be so lonely and you'll both have a new friend.  I made some really good friends that way.

  15. Just relax and maybe even like force yourself to calm down and talk to a group of people that would accept you for who you really are, ADHD or not.  I know people at my school that do fine w/ ADHD so there is a chance for you. Good Luck!

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