
I have all my tools to get onto disney channel but i dont know where to go. Can any one help?

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Im 13 i have an amazing voice i am a fantastic actor I get straight A's in school. I have a resume, i have a headshot but where do I start? all i need is references

please no sites where it gives you some auditions here and there. I want straight forward disney channel auditions. I live like an hour from Orlando and and hour from Tampa so my mom can drive me to auditions! please, this is my dream and this is what i want to do for the rest of my life. please dont pass over this question. please help me.

- Jake




  1. A's have nothing to do with acting, and you can't just skip to being on a Disey tv show, you have to work for it. Since you already have a headshot, I'd suggest submitting it into a mdeling agency, trying to get an agent, then he will find you work in local play ansd such, and unless you have worked in 30 + plays from there, don't bother auditioning for a Disney show, they wont look at you twice.

  2. If you are 13 and have no professional credentials, Disney will not hire you off the street. No way, no how.

    Casting for the Disney Channel takes place in California as that is where the television division is located.

    The only casting Disney does in Florida is for the theme parks and the cruise line.  You must be 16 to be hired and only then under extreme guidelines dictated by the Department of Labor.

  3. Hold on. The REAL Disney channel? Need more details to awnser,correctly. But assuming you ARE d**n lucky to get into the Disney channel show, i'll give out some tips. All your tools? That i don't understand. But, you could get a good rep. for having a good voice, good looks, or just be a main character. Hope tis helps.

  4. Disney ALWAYS uses an agent to book. I have an agent and I was offered a role in the Hannah Montana movie.  Get yourself a good agent.  Start in the yellow pages and check them out with the better business bureau.  One agency my friends uses a lot is Talent Trek they are legitimate and across the US.  Be patient, I have been in the business for a little while and I am just now booking commercials, etc.  Perfect your skills by auditioning for community theatre roles.  Don't waste your time or money on classes....You will learn all you need to know in theatre.

  5. You also have an ego. get rid of that before you look for any agents. Sorry, but from experience they will look right through you. I am in a future show on Disney coming in 2009. You, as a Disney star myself, dont seem like the right material. Your the right age though. Get an acting coach and voice coach. Then, next year, LOOK IT UP!

    hope i helped

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