
I have all the symptons of being diabetic but i dont want to tell my mum?

by Guest64629  |  earlier

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Last night i was sick, and had a massive headache, i also been drinking loads and lost a bit of weight, i beeen to the toilet loads and have a dry mouth. A whie ago i had gluten level test and it came out at 12.9 which is over double it should be!




  1. I think your mom would probably be VERY upset if you didn't tell her.  You need to talk to her, because you are going to have to go to the doctor for more testing, and if you are diagnosed as diabetic you are going to need medication.  It could very easily be something else, those symptoms are ones that come with a variety of things that you could be experiencing.  Talk to your mom.

  2. why would you not tell her, your health could be in danger.

    you really NEED to tell her

    so she can take you to the doctor to get tested.

    if your positive then you can get what you need to keep yourself save.

    im not trying to scare you but people can die if they dont take care of thier diabetes.

  3. Why be scared to tell your mum, will she be disapointed that you have a serious condition? It's not your fualt. If any thing she should help you through it and get you special treatment.

  4. If you have diabetes and neglect it you can go into a coma.  Think of how upset your mom would be then.  

  5. Diabetes is a very serious disease, and should never be taken lightly.

    Diabates canNOT be diagnosed by symptoms alone.  You MUST have blood tests performed by the doctor.

    The first test he should do is called A1C.  This is a very easy test that takes about 5-10 minutes and ONE DROP of blood IF the doctor has the necessary equiopment.  Otherwise, he'll need to take a blood sample and send it to a lab for 2-3 days.

    If the A1C is NORMAL then you probably do not have diabetes.

    If the A1C is HIGH then the doctor should order a second test called Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT). This is a more complicated test, takes 3-4 hours, and it might hurt a little.

    But GTT will tell you definately if you Do or DO NOT have diabetes. If the GTT says YES, then you need to start treatment right away.

    Diabetes is DEADLY serious.  If you do not get treatment it WILL kill you.  If you find out now and get treatment, you will be able to live a long and happy life.

    So don't be afraid to tell Mom.  The A1C test is very very simple, and it could greatly ease your mind if it is NORMAL.  If it is not normal then it could save your life!

    So talk to Mom and have her take you to the dotor for the A1C test


    BTW -- You do NOT have ALL the symptoms of being diabetic.  Drinking and peeing is NOT all there is.  ONLY a doctor can tell, and ONLY by doing blood tests.

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