
I have almost everything a young man should have to be happy...but why am I not?

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I've never been satisfied with myself always wanting to be the best in some profession...when i had a gf 2 years ago I was very happy but well she left me for someone else...anyway I know I've got good looks, im not poor, go to a prestigious college, got good family, friends i see every so often...why do i feel so empty then? How do you find happiness?




  1. You sound like you may be suffering from clinical depression.

    Try seeking some professional counciling.

    Between talking with someone and maybe even some medication, it might help get you out of your funk.

    good luck.

  2. The answer to your problem is :

    Read the Bible.

  3. you have everthing on the earth ,,then look at the sky GOD  is there ,,so pray to GOD ..did you make bad things ?,,i think so ask for foregivness ..

    try  to help  poeple ,,, i feel  so happy when i help others ..

    think of marrige ..getting baby  is good ..

    otherwise consult psychiatrist ..

  4. First of all, you are searching for something that is very elusive - some people think it does not exist.

    Secondly, happiness certainly does not come from owning things or being privileged.

    You feel empty because you are still searching for something to make you content. (Isn't contentment like happiness?  Hmm - a bit.)

    When you strive for something and you get it, it could give you a sense of satisfaction that leads to contentment. This feeling is almost always the result of success, and not the other way around. First you have to strive for success, and then you might get happiness. But you cannot be happy and then find success. And without striving, nothing really happens.

    Give yourself the challenge of striving for something difficult and worthwhile - and the success of striving (even if you do not actually manage to totally get your goal) will make you attractive to others in a way you are not now.

    Now, you seem to have everything, but it's stuff you have not actually striven for.

    Wanting to be the best at something is not really enough - and being the best is not really attractive. It might even spark envy in others. And what is the best, anyhow?

    What you need to be is the best in the eyes of someone you think is important. (There's a difference, and I think you get this.)

    Those around you have not given you this feeling - are you trying to impress someone who hardly takes any notice of you at all? That sparks dissatisfaction like nothing else in the world.

    When you finally get the look in your eyes that you have battled for something, people will see it and appreciate it. Perhaps not the people you thought, though!! Life is full of surprises - you try and impress your folks, and someone you hardly know is completely bowled over... the beginning of something big.

    Good luck.

  5. Human beings need the following to be completely happy:


    *A decent job

    *Have faith in something, be spiritul if not religious.

    You are already on your way to obtain a great job, given the fact that you go to a prestigious college. Keep it up.

    If going to church is not your thing, attend some yoga sessions, as a way to begin your path to relaxation and meditation.


    In order to love someone you gotta accept yourself, and be satisfied with what you are and you can be.

    Life is a long and winding road, but if you are patient enough, you can and will be rewarded.

    Before you know it, you'll find a great girl to share your life with.  It takes time, you gotta realize that.

    God Bless

  6. Cause you`re looking for happinness in the wrong place, happinness is not in things, is not in matter, happinness is in GOD!.Instead of trying to have everything as you say, try to share your time with the sick, for example, once a week, visit a sick friend, make him feel better, or share what you have with the poor, maybe buying some food for someone who is in need, or paying a poor boy`s studies, in one word , practice Charity, and pray, you need to have moments in silence to talk to God and listen to Him, and then go ahead with your life, with your profession, but having other things as your priority, as I have mentioned before.

  7. all you need to be happy is to decide to be happy.  Have you ever noticed in your life that you've thought ..."as soon as I get a car, then I'll be happy"... or if "I could just get this grade" ... or whatever.  Then you got these things and instead of deriving happiness, you just moved on to the next thing you thought would make you happy.  Happiness comes from within.  You have a lot to be thankful for.  Don't get bogged down in the daily stresses in life.  Begin each day with a stretch and a smile, and then go find all the funny, good and kindness that's in the world.  Everything else will take care of itself.

  8. watch porno or anime

  9. Perhaps you don't have "everything a young man should have to be happy." First, who decided this standard by which to judge your happiness?

    Secondly, what else does anyone need to be "happy" other than "happiness" itself.

    Someone with absolutely nothing can be happy, so why not the person who has "everything?"

  10. let go of ambition.. then you'll be happy.

  11. meditation can help you.....

  12. you feel empty because you are an idiot. you are complaining about things that are privlidges not rights, consider yourself lucky and move on.

  13. u need someone in urlife u want to make happy and that appreciates u for what u are and what u do, not for what u have......u need love!?

  14. becuase you have a small p***s

  15. You feel empty because material things do not buy happiness. Status does not buy happiness, and neither does an education. Happiness comes from those things that fulfill the needs of your heart, soul, and spirit. You probably cared so much for your girlfriend, and poured everything of your heart into loving her, but she betrayed you. I wish I can tell you that time will heal things, and maybe eventually it will....but I see you're still suffering after two years. Sometimes, it helps to think about the negative sides of the person that hurt you, instead of thinking about the positive memories and traits. If she left you for someone else, clearly she did not love you as much as you loved her, or cared for your as nearly. Clearly she had no respect for you. You may be afraid to move on. And if you are not ready, that's okay. Just know that what you feel is a void in your heart. Keep going to school, allow yourself to enjoy yourself and go dancing and have fun. You will meet someone that may very well fill that void in your heart, and someone that will respect, love and care for you in every way possible. And remember, no matter how horrible a heart break felt, it will never hurt as much again. I know this from experience. I have had my heart broken, and each time I was able to better handle it....and now I am married to someone that is wonderful and I never expected them to be my husband, as we were only friends in high school. Life takes you in strange directions. Try to learn from the experiences and use the lessons for next time, no matter what aspect in life. Good luck, friend. Many blessings.

  16. None of those things really matter, you know? In the end the looks go away, you can't take money with you when you pass, a degree is a degree (unless you plan on going to grad or doctorate school)...your family and friends are vital but at the same time, your love for something deep must fall above all of that. The one thing i always remind myself is that the greatest of every virtue is love. When i am truly upset and feeling down on my accomplishments and the dreary outcome of my seemingly wonderful life, i think about love. I love to read, and play the violin, and hike, and volunteer, and sit around with a good beer and laugh. Sometimes all the "stuff" gets in the way of the know, loving, laughter, connection, communication, and discovery.

    i really feel your pang of confusion and that sincere feeling of loss or emptiness. I don't know why i let those down feelings overwhelm me and shade the beauty...just in the same way you do not know...i believe it is a human trait, part of the maturation process. when i graduated school my daddy who i love so deeply and miss wrote me a note. it is framed on my wall and i read it when i dont understand things. the words he wrote are not so meaningful to mean for their sentimental value as much as the sheer fact that he expressed intimate emotions that are so deep and make you feel alone...but by writing out the words, he showed me you are not alone and will never be alone. just as you are here and i am feeling your pain. and although the letter is long and you might feel it to be contrite, these few lines i have memorized and in moments of loss and sorrow i remember them... i dont know if you're religious or not but don't take it as purely religious...

    Love God first and He will save and redeem you;

    Love your family second because they will love and protect you; love your friends next for they will listen and support you; love yourself last because pride is a heavy and useless burden.

    he then wrote

    when you feel weak, it is OK to fall...fall to your knees or into the arms of the ones you love; it is OK to cry for another's loss, and to be lost and to cry; it a man asks for something to eat, it is OK to also give him a drink; ash, life is way too short and beautiful so make every day a day to want to write in your journal.

    Those little snapshots run through my mind on different occasions. Just remember, only you can make you happy and maybe all you need is some time to love yourself again.

    Oh and do not try to find happiness, just do what you love and in the end you will find the happiness found you. (:

  17. For me, companionship. And not just plain friends, I'm talking about someone like my boyfriend who I have everything in common with and shares things with me. When you find someone you can talk to and actually fully understands you, makes you laugh, appreciates you, that's happiness for me.

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