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  1. Are you a stay at home Mom? She seems like she is just seeking your attention.  She found a way to get on your nerves and it seems to be working. Children this age are very smart, her tantruming has nothing to do with a new baby. She has found a way to get you all riled up.  You may not want to believe this but she is seeking your reaction meaning when she sees you getting frustrated she stirred a reaction and receives attention from it.  It may not be positive attention but its attention.  Try spending the whole day with her out somewhere, something she might want to do.  Most of the time tantrums are not about what we as parents think their about their usually about a greater picture.  Attention. She is seeking some kind of attention.  Negative attention is better than no attention at all.  If she brings it up just ignore her(completely) Don't say a word, just walk past her. If she tugs on you holds onto you, just ignore her more and keep doing what your doing.  When she realizes that when she asks you do not give her a reaction she will stop---I promise. If you follow this technique it will work.  Ignore negative behaviors, as long as she is not harming herself or anyone else let her be. Behaviors often get worse before they get better just remember to be consisitent

    good luck  

  2. im answering ths one to get the points :)

  3. Tantrums are a part of childhood.  She could be having a tantrum over anything and everything.  My 14 month old had a major tantrum in a store the other day when it was time to leave and she didn't want me to carry her.  She wanted to walk.  It's just something to deal with as much as it sucks to do so.

    She'll get past it.  

    One thing that might help is asking her how she would feel if it was a brother.

    There is a 50/50 chance that you could have a son too so maybe if she gets that aspect then she'll stop asking.


  5. u kida need to have a question in order for it to be answered.

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