
I have already gotten my period...?

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i have already gotten my period and have had it for about a year now. for the last few months its benn late. is there any way that i can get it faster when its late?

also, how can i cure my hunger cravings without eating alot. even though i havent gotten it for 3 days now, im eating like crazy.

please help




  1. It is a growing up thing you can't really help it, after a year your bady might change up it's system a bit I was that way now I get it every 3-4 weeks and never know  sometimes I get every 2 weeks.  It changes, food why's try to ignore it or eat smaller portions.  Hope I helped

  2. Birth control, it will regulate your period

  3. Periods can take years to become regular. There's not a lot you can do. If you take the pill it can help regulate them and it keeps them to a routine so its easier to know when you'll have them.

  4. do u have s*x? could be prego. we need a yahoo doctor on here lol..anyways anything could make u late. ur diet, stress. even living with other women can make ur period off. have u notticed when two women live together they will get ther period around the same time. our bodies are always changing

  5. hunger curbing drinks like slim fast really work.

    i dont think you can get it faster

    answer mine please?;...

  6. No way to make it come quicker.

    As for the hunger birth control helps, so does drinking more water and eating more protein

  7. you're fine. sometimes they're just irregular. why would you want it lol?

  8. chew sugar free gum.

    you wont gain weight and you can chew too .. =]

    you cant really control your period.

    girls under 15 will have an irregular periods for a couple years until your body is use to it.

    hope i helped.<3

  9. My friend and I realized one day that when we were playing gym at school our periods would come earlier than usual.  Then my sister told me that exercise will increase the chances of your period to come early. To stop me from eating sometimes i chew gum.  

  10. when you are younger your period can be more irregular, also keep in mind that your period is not supposed to start on the same day of the same month. (for example you most likely won't start on the 12th of every month) every woman's menstrual cycle can be different lengths. some are 27 days some are 28 and etc. you should not be worried at all whatsoever. it is all normal. and you do not need to go on birth control at your age because it's just not needed. i hope i helped.

  11. Ok.. first off Think if youve had any sexual intercourse and if yes... go take a test to be safe.

    Second of when your periods are that young they can be all over the place. I'm 16 now and i've had mine for 4 years there still late, early, stopping and starting. If your really fed up with them being late and early then i recommend thinking about the pill.

    But be reasonable and think if it's worth the bother.

  12. Get yourself on the pill even if you are not doing it. It will make your period regular, clear up your skin (if needed), and if you are doing it will do its job! lol

  13. why do you want to get it faster? periods suck. and your hungry all the time? maybe your prego?

  14. natural body cycle. NOTHING you can do about it.

    if you are uncomfortable take a midol

  15. put tape around your mouth =]

  16. On average it takes 2 years for your menstrual cycle to regulate itself so I would wait until then to do anything.

    As far as the eating, that's pretty tough.  I normally nibble throughout the day so I don't get as hungry.

  17. for the first year or two it will be a little late or early, your can't do anything to change that. As for hunger, eat little bits of food often to give the sensation of eating without eating two much.

  18. ive hear birth control helps for both irregular periods

    and cravings however some make u gain weight

    or if ur lucky even lose weight.

    whatever the case is u should talk to ur doctor about irregular periods

    sometimes we brush these small things of our shoulder

    thinking its nothing wrong but we shouldnt always play it safe.

    there are causes why ur period can be late so get checked out!

  19. Check out the "Nuva-Ring".

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