
I have already my authenticated documents from dfa (TOR, DIPLOMA, CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATION)?

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i want to authenticate it by uae embassy for my tourist visa. what should i do?




  1. Hi. I have applied for DFA authentication for my Diploma & TOR. The claim stub to get the documents from DFA is already with ME. What I want to know is that If I can have the DHL do the honor to claim my documents(DIPLOMA & RED RIBBOn) from DFA then If they can also be the one to forward it in UAE Embassy at once?? Thanks so much! Please reply


  2.  Hi do you mean I can let the DHL claim the documets from DFA and forward it to the UAE Embassy at once? Thanks so much!



    - This may help you with the processing of your papers. 

  4.  thank you for the information...

  5. Authentication of documents (Transcript of Records, diploma, etc)by the UAE Embassy in Manila.
    The process of authenticating UAE-required documents has been simplified
    Step 1: Bring documents for authentication to the issuing government agency. In the case of Transcript of Records and diploma, go to any CHED regional office.
    Step 2: Receive a DFA claim stub which indicates the date of release of authenticated documents from DFA. It is very important that you keep the stub and follow the release date.
    Step 3: Claim the authenticated documents from DFA. If you will send a representative to pick up the document, be sure to write an authorization letter and attach a copy of your ID which shows your signature. Fee: P100.00.
    Step 4: Send DFA authenticated documents to the UAE Embassy through any branch of DHL Wide Wide World Express. There is no other way of submitting documents for authentication to the UAE Embassy except through DHL Wide Wide World Express. Take note, not all DHL are Wide Wide World Express.
    P1,700.00 per DFA red ribbon
    P 50.00 - DHL charge for converting your cash to Manager's cheque (don't ask, its just like that)
    P P385.00 - DHL courier charge (within Metro Manila)
    TOTAL: P2,135.00
    Processing: 5-7 working days
    Step 5: DHL delivers your documents.
    There is a way to trim the process to 3 easy steps although it will take more time.
    First, submit your documents to DFA. and receive your claim stub.
    Second, go to any branch of DHL WWWExpress. Submit the stub, pay the DFA fee of P100.00, pay P2,135.00 fee for UAE and pay the P385.00 courier fee. DHL will claim your document from DFA and forward it to the UAE Embassy.
    Third, receive the authenticated document delivered to your address. Processing: 15 days
    Allot sufficient time, about 1 month, to secure your documents and submit them for authentication.
    For further information:
    You may call the DHL Customer Service at (632) 811-7000 or visit the DHL Website to locate a branch closest to you. Ask for the contact number of your preferred branch and confirm opening, closing and pick-up time.
    For a list of documents for authentication, visit the DFA Website. You may also download an authentication form. It also contains contact information of relevant government agencies. You may also call DFA at (632) 834-4000 (trunkline) and request that you be connected to the Authentication Office.

    Best Regards,

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