
I have also applied to both NS and the EJ&E more than once, is it fact or fiction younger is better, I'm 47.

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I have also applied to both NS and the EJ&E more than once, is it fact or fiction younger is better, I'm 47.




  1. I have seen guys older than you get hired where I work in train service and in the track department.

    All I can say is keep trying and if you think you have been discriminated against, talk to your state labor board.

    Good Luck!!

  2. Younger is better to an extent...the RR's aren't big on hiring someone straight out of high school, due to lack of experience. But they also aren't too keen on hiring someone who is already closing in on retirement age. They prefer someone who can give them 20-30 good years before they hit retirement age. You are probably still young enough to have a chance, depending on your experience, but I would say your close to borderline on the age preference.

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