
I have always been a sprinter because i was afriad of distance now i timed my self and i regret it?

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i have a very explosive sprint i run 100 in 10.5 and lower and 200 in the low 22 but i hit a wall not only because i was stuck at thoes incredible times for 2 years but also because once i got to college i decided on continuing my biggest passion computer science and varsity track and field was to much. I have not been training for over a year. and a month ago i was hospitalized for a disease and left school for the semester for a medical leave. though now that i have the semester off i decided to test my self out and was expecting to be dissapointed. on an open meet i ran a tenth of a second faster then ever in both races but the biggest thing was i was challenged to a 5k person in my hall before i left who is on the varsity xc. so when i got out of the hospital a week before the race i surprised him by being their. and more then that surprised my self by holding the whole race a 4 minute 45 second pace. that is my fastest single mile i never tried running longer after one mile before




  1. wow u r a good runner, just run with some friends for fun, or just get on the track team u r oviously good, just find out what is more important to u

  2. so your time was 14:52, that is crazy fast for just coming off no training. just getting to 15:00 is usually an accomplishment for experienced runners. My personal recommendation is to see if you can join the track team and test the waters on whether you can manage it or not. if it takes too much time otherwise devoted to your class you can drop running, but you will never know unless you give it a try

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