
I have always wanted to me a nurse in the army but i dont think i could handle it what should i do???

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I care so much about everyone and i love helping people. its my true passion in life and i want to help in the army but i dont think i could handle seeing people with blown off body parts and not being able to do anything to help them.

is there any place thats like the army that i could work at?




  1. If you don't think you "can handle it" then, train for a different career.

  2. I'm an EMT, and we see a lot of stuff in an emergency that bother a lot of people including gun shots, stabbings, blast injuries, amputations et. If you are not already a nurse I suggest working as an EMT or paramedic. You will see a lot. If the ambulance is not for you work for a good trauma center, you will see your share of bad injuries there. And as for being upset that you see horrible things and can't help people. I felt like that when I first worked EMS, then my first bad call I realized that for once I WAS in a positon to help them, and your whole frame of mind changes to help that person, without a second thought. But honestly, the army is AWESOME at training you to handle whatever comes, my husband is a medic in the army and he just came back from Iraq and he was a little nervous too being his first time there and he said his AIT (Advanced Individual Training, which you would receive before being placed in any job) trainied him really well with simulation dummies and what not. Also, the army has excellent medical benefits, pays for any advanced schooling you wish to do and will definately train you VERY well for whats coming. Our guys (and gals) certainly need good nurses now more than effort to assist with the war effort, so honestly, go for it.

  3. Well, you'll never know if you can handle it if you don't TRY!  It seems to me like you're very passionate about nursing and mind you, it takes very special people to take up this calling.

    If it is too much (army) trauma for your psyche you'll know and can look into other branches of nursing.  There are SO many & we need them very, very, badly.  Good luck!

  4. To some extent, you get desensitized to things through your training & experience.  Most nurses don't start out life being OK with the things that we see on a day to day basis.  But over time, you are able to adapt.  So it is entirely possible that you will be able to handle things that you cannot imagine being able to deal with now.

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