
I have an 8 yr old that is constantly twisting his hair how can i get him to stop?

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He only does this when he is doing his homework or watching tv




  1. Why not give him something else to twist like a rubberband. He can wear it on his wrist and play with it when he want too and put it back on his wrist when he is done.

  2. lol ; i thought it was a girl but then i read further and figured out it was a boy. tell him his hair is going to all fall out and the boogie man will come after him if he doesnt stop.

  3. CUT IT

  4. Just give him a short haircut!  (or at least threaten to cut it short if he doesn't stop twisting it, if it's really a battle worth fighting for you).

  5. I have trichotillomania which means I pull my hair out, one piece at a time, after playing with it for some time. It is an impulse control disorder which means punishment and or reward are unsuccessful in treatment or control. It happens without me noticing it usually and doesn't hurt but I have noticed it happens more when stressed or bored, reading or watching TV. Perhaps doing research on trich will provide you with some useful suggestions but I agree with the previously mentioned tennisball or perhaps he could have a piece of fur to twist may help lessen his urge. It may go away as he grows but if it doesn't management may be the best option as I know of no cure.

  6. Get him a rubic cube.. or something like that to keep his hand busy.. It is a nervous habit .. once you break it.. It is likely he won't start again..I have a grown friend that does that when she is bored or nervous... Keep the hands busy.....

  7. Reward him for each day he doesn't twist his hair. Tell his teacher about your plan, too, so they will be able to monitor it at school

    You could also just tell him to STOP.

  8. well, a friend of mine, her son sorta does that. he is 5. but he just pulls his hair out. not purpousely but like wehn he is concentrating or something he just kinda picks at it. so at first they shaved his hair but once it grew back he did it again so they got him a little tennis ball that he carries and he kinda picks the hairs off of that. but yeah he still sometimes does it, so i would just shave his hair

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