
I have an 89 chevy s10 and my battery wont charge

by Guest57853  |  earlier

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the alternator and battery are new and the connections from battery to alternator seem to be good it will run of the battery if i charge it with a charger any ideas on what it would be would be greatly appreciated




  1. new alternator is bad.alt should put out 13.5 to 15 volts...try a cheap voltmeter from advance 10 dollars or less....advance wi;ll test bat and alt for free if u can get it there

  2. First thing i would check is the fuseable link off the back of alternator all other advise was good advise about checking voltage but if car was jumped. i would check that first.

  3. Hi,

    You could have an earthing problem. Let's do some checks: buy a DC volt meter (multimeter), should only cost a few dollars. Put the red to the positive terminal, the black to the negative terminal, select 0 to 20 volts DC range with engine off, should read approximately 12.2 volts. Get a buddy to crank the engine, and it should read 8.5 to 10 volts when cranking. With engine running at fast idol, it should read 13.5 to 14.5 volts.

    If this is the case, the alternator is charging the battery, please report back when you've done these tests with the results, and I'd be happy to give you further assistance.


  4. if the alternator came from an auto parts store they are notorious for being bad, due to the fact that they are re-manufactured. Often times they only replace what wears down rather than a complete check. So in a whole, return the Alternator and get another.

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