
I have an ACL ligament repair aand asthma can i still join the army ? ?

by  |  earlier

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i need to know cause i really want to and if i can can i join any elite forces ?




  1. asthma - no

    unless you havent had it since you were 13 (i think thats the age).  

  2. If you have grown out of the asthma before the age of 13 then you will submit medical paperwork and have it reviewed.  If you still have it then you could still submit the paperwork for medical review, they might run their own test and decide based on how bad it is.  It depends but check into it, if you don't you will never know.  The ACL repair is wavier-able but you also have to submit paperwork.

  3. the Asthma alone will keep you out permanently.  

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