
I have an AMAZING photo of a ghost!! WHo can view and look at it that is a proffesional?

by  |  earlier

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in ghost and paranormal phenomenem? thanks




  1. I'm not a professional, but I am a medium.... I can look at it for you...what is it you want to know about it?? And why can't you post it here??

  2. I have done many investigations in the Wichita Kansas area.  I can look at it for you if you would like.

  3. This is not that blasted pirate ghost, is it?  Listen, you're not going to make any money off any seemingly mysterious photo, and nobody here on the internet will either. So there's no harm in posting the photo. Otherwise, I don't see the point of repeatedly asking the same questions.

  4. If you are worrying about someone stealing it write something like 'sample' or 'fake' across it before you post it like professional online photographers do.

  5. I am not a professional, but I do paranormal investigations, I have access to some good equipment to analyse the photo and I am sensitive as well.     I would love to look at the photo to see what I can see and learn.

  6. I'm not a "professional" when it comes to photos but as a paranormal investigator I have seen both fake and real pics. Anyway that you can post it on here?

  7. I am not a professional, but I do have the gift of seeing and communicating with spirits. I have seen a lot of pictures of spirits and paranormal phenomena. I would be willing to look at it. Is there a way you could post the picture.


  9. paranormal i think

  10. Post it already.


  12. I 've been involved with the paranormal for awhile now.I'd love to see the pic.There is a site that is all paranormal that may be some help its called I AM HAUNTED.Heres a link it's like My Space for only paranormal.I'm sure someone there can help.For anyone with a question it's a good place to get help.

  13. im not a proffesional but WOW

  14. may i see and a link?

  15. may i see a link? i am a professional. i have been dealing with a bunch of ghost and spirits.

  16. send it to T.A.P.S there in warwick RI but you can go to there website to mail it to them

  17. I am a professional photographer, and would love to look at that photo, so please post it.

    If you email it to me, I will post it in this column.

    I will gladly give you my professional opinion ..... as long as its posted.

  18. send it to national geographic channel and they will take care of your photo. :-D

  19. If you want us to scrutinize it you'll have to post a link.

  20. Post it PLEASE.

    You can call The Louisville Paranormal Society.

    They have done extensive work at Waverly Manor here in louisville,Ky

  21. post it on here and then we can tell you dur de durrrrrrrrrrr

  22. ya, thats a very amazing ghost text

  23. can I see?

  24. Seeing is believing, where is the picture?

  25. the best in my opinion and who i recommend is T.A.P.S. , The Atlantic Paranormal Society, these guys are believers in the reality of paranormal activity. they only have a scientific, not a religious approach on the subject. they operate from Warwick, Rhode Island, heres a link to thier website. if you can't e-mail it, just send a copy to their office. ( a professional photo lab pic would be your best option ).

  26. I have a close friend who started an organization called the New World Ghost Hunters. He could tell you what you need to know about it. If your interested, email me and I'll give you his contact info, they have a myspace too if you would like to check them out.

  27. I would start by taking it to a professional photo lab (I don't mean the photo dept at Wal-Mart) along with the negative or one time use CD. If it is a digital photo from a hard drive and no original is available then it's useless as evidence regardless of how spectacular it might be because video/computer editing is a wonderful tool.

    Some of the organizations at the link below may be interested in seeing it.


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