
I have an African Grey bird, He makes coughing noises it sounds like a growling dog.?

by  |  earlier

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it has a red tail and i think its known as a "congo" and he's 7 yrs. old

he buries his head into his wings into while he is doing these coughing noises




  1. He's probably imitating a barking dog. It's not a problem, it's a trick.

  2. I also own a congo african grey........... They are the smartest in the bird family of parrots. My parrot mimicks alot of sounds.

    barks, sneezes, meows, backup trucks, sirens, hair dryer, rings the phone, talks like a 4 year old.   You should know how your bird has acted in the 7 years you had him.

    If the bird is doing something out of the norm, such as coughing. I would have a avien vet check it out .. better to be on the safe side......... These guys have a life span of 70 years and are expensive........If it were mine -he would be at the vet.

  3. LOL I have an African Grey too and see will make a telephone ring sound (sounds EXACTLY LIKE IT) then she says "HELLO" into her pretend phone as if she answered the phone. She also will laugh with you if she hears you laughing.

  4. What's your question?  If you're asking whether this is normal, then yes, it definitely is.  My African Grey barks like a dog, screams like a 2 year old, whistles like a train, and talks like my husband.  He has more legible words than my 2-year-old...

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