
I have an East India Company colonial coin from 1616; how much is it worth?

by  |  earlier

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It has "East India Company 1616" written on one side, and 3 Hindu goddesses, probably Saraswati, on the other. It is a round "half anna" coin, made of copper iridium alloy. There are also 3 sanskrit letters on it. Please let me know how much it is worth. Thanks.




  1. I answered this once before, there is no such coin listed in Krause/Mishler Standard Catalog of World Coins 1601-1700 volume. There is no site to go too. It has to be some kind of fantasy item or more likely a modern token of some kind. The use of the denomination 1/2 Anna or Anna did not come into use until the 1780's. I can find no coin that has the features yours has listed at all.

  2. Seems to be a fake. No such coins were issued by the EIC as early as 1616. Perhaps there was no Company in 1616.

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