
I have an HD TV but an analog VCR?

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Question is: If I purchase an HD converter box will I be able to run a line from the VCR through the converter box and record from my HDTV?




  1. Most likely but why keep a VCR when there is DVDs and Tivo.

  2. You could. But what i would recommend is like jake said getting the TiVo box and then get a wireless adapter for it. This way you could record and put movies directly on to your PC. The VCRs were good for their time and are now almost extinct. The normal DVD i think will soon be replaced with the BluRay disk system so you might want to check one of thems out.

  3. Actually, no.  The converter box only works for Over The Air TV.  I gets it's input from an antenna.  It will not work on cable or convert video from your TV.  It has to receive the programming directly via an antenna.  

    However, the converter box will let you record Over The Air TV on your analog VCR.

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