
I have an IUD and I missed my period?

by  |  earlier

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I've had an IUD for 3 years now, the kind that are good for 10 years. I have not been keeping track of my periods lately, but I have noticed I have been starting mine about 2 days before my step duaghter each month. Well she started hers and I thought, I'm surprised I have'nt got mine yet, I bet I'll start tomorow. Well hers has come and gone and I still have not started mine! Although I have not been keeping track lately, I know mine are pretty regular, and I aksed my step daughter if hers was regular and she said yes, it was right on time for her this month. I took a pregnancy test and it was negitive. I can feel my IUD string although I think it feels a bit lower then usual(maybe just my imagination). I know an IUD works by creating a mucus plug similar to what you have during pregnancy, I hadnt thought about this before but I was wondering if using lubrication often during s*x might effect that(which I have done). I have heard of pregnant woman using oils to help soften their plug and cervix to try to make labor come sooner. I would freak if I was pregnant. I have 4 kids! I have an IUD for a reason!




  1. If you tested Neg, what are you worrying about?

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