
I have an Injured Dove?

by  |  earlier

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The bird flew into my screen and it appears to have torn open its crop. There is no blood, but the birds head was twitching its head, but that has stopped. What should I do? we have tried to contact the local people who deal with this but no luck.




  1. You could take it to vet to have it sued up if its torn. Otherwise just let it recover and come out of shock. another bird may have been tormentiing it to make it slam into your window. Offer it water and allow it to recover and let it go because once it comes out of shock it could die of a heart attack if it realises it has been taken prisoner by a human.

  2. have you made dinner yet ?

  3. put some peroxide on it to disinfect it. Then take some thread and a needle and sew it up. If it is cut all the way through the skin and crop wall you will have to sew up the crop wall first and then sew the skin next. The cotton stitches will come out on their own. Put some alcohol on it and then paint with Iodine and the bird should be well within a week.

    You say that there isn't blood???? If there isn't any blood the bird just knocked the feathers off of it's craw area. It will be fine.  If it isn't there are literally millions of new babies hatched out this season to take it's place.

  4. i found one with a broken wing and i kept it im my spare aviary for a while and evry nown and agen tryed to let it fly and just kept it till it was able to fly

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