
I have an MBA and speak fluent Mandarin and Russian. What kind of jobs can I do in the US or China? Thank you

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I'm not the US citizen




  1. for the US:

    in China: (right side for China)

  2. Sounds like you want to be a spy. How about business investigation company? like Kroll? If you are in a more developed country, suggest you stay there to find opportunity for relocating you over to China or Russia, in which case, you can ask for a better package incl. relocation fees (flight per year, moving cost, etc.). I dunno the situation in Russia well, but WARNING: don't go to China without any job offer!!! You may end up teaching languages or SAT/GMAT. Ther are too many expats in China now; and mainly two types - 1) the relocated ones with fat packages 2) the young professionals seeking experience; the later one has a miserable life and very few (5%) can get a decent job in the first 6 months (bear in mind, China is not that cheap nowadays)

  3. What country are you a citizen of? If you're a US citizen, you can work for the Foreign Service (State Department) -

  4. During the cold war, the Russian would have opened doors. Today, not so much. The Chinese might help you get a job as an interpretor for the import industry...

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