
I have an abscess tooth with no dental insurance plz help?

by  |  earlier

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I get benefits in about 4 more months from my company but, I have an abscess tooth that is getting to the point to where its making my gums swell up slightly, I know i need to go to the dentist and have it pulled but i have some questions first! I know they won't pull it without clearing the infection up by giving me antibiotics, how would i get a prescription for that? Do i just go down there and ask the dentist? Would that cost me any money rather than the prescription itself? And how much does it generally cost to get a tooth pulled without insurance??? Thanks




  1. An abscessed tooth can be very dangerous.  This is not something to mess around with.  It means your tooth is so far decayed, that most likely, you will need the tooth removed.  I just went through this.  A red bump started to grow on my gum above the molar and I immediately saw my dentist who did x-ray's and told me the tooth was so far gone that I needed it pulled and a root canal would not save the tooth.  The red bumped turned white because the penicillin was not strong enough to kill the infection and I had to be switched to a stronger antibiotic.  An abscessed tooth is an infection and if not attended to, WILL cause further complications and that infection can spread to other parts of your body.  You need to get antibiotics immediately and get the tooth taken care of.  Most dentists will work with you on a payment plan...just explain your no insurance situation, but make sure you call and ask first.  

    Don't leave this to chance...

  2. There are clinics that provide these services -- check the blue pages in your phone book to locate one.  Good luck.

  3. You need to beg or borrow some money to see a dentist.

    You will probably need a root-canal treatment if you have an abscess.

    This is quite costly and complicated treatment but it can save your tooth.  You could ask your dentist if he would accept down-payments, or even ask for a dental advance from your new company.  

    You have to treat this as an emergency as yes, you will need antibiotics and if left, the infected abscess can invade your sinus cavities or inside of your nose.

  4. I'm in the same boat except I'll never get dental from work. The pain is horrible. My hub had an abscess tooth pulled. It cost $600.00 for his procedure which I can't pay. Anyway everyone will tell you to find a clinic. I wish you the greatest of luck. I've been actively searching for over a year. No one has yet to help me. If you are in pain, and like me can't find a dentist that is actually a caring human being, swish Vodka, take Motrin, and Sudafed for the pain. Sudafed might sound odd but I found out when I had a sinus problem it helped my toothache go away more quickly.

  5. Hello,  Google "dental school" or "school of dentistry" for your city and see if any are nearby; you can often get top-quality dental services for a fraction of the cost, as students (usually supervised by a Dentist) will perform the procedures.  You'll probably want to try to save the tooth (root canal, etc.) rather than pull it.  Pulling it is much cheaper, but can affect your appearance or confidence.  You won't want to feel too self-conscious about having a gap/hole in your mouth when you laugh or smile!  Good luck to you!

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