
I have an adoption question, my wife and I are currently fertile and adventurous and open minded...?

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I am actually only here today thanks to the shortage of "supply of adoptees".

My biological father was told by 2 doctors he was clinically infertile.

He adopted 2 children over a period of 5 years (it takes forever).

I actually occured in 1984 and here I am.

I was wondering about the "adoption agencys system" and how I can perhaps be gifted a "scholarship" in exchange for adopting my daughter to an individual who choses to make wish in a scholarship to let a 23 year old married male go to med-school without having to take out loans.

My wife and I already have one child, who was "semi-adopted" by the grandmother.

Our specs are as follows


6'4" white male

155 IQ

greyish/green/blue eyes

brown hair

not-so-great looking


5'1" beauty queen 95 pounds

blonde (fake) hair and stunning looks

her best physical contribution is her flawless god-given genetically inheritable face

We already have 1 offspring who is very healthy, beautiful 7 m/o baby




  1. I doubt the 155 IQ since you cannot spell and did not bother to run spell check.  

    My guess is that this is a joke and you're just seeing the rise you can get from people. If not, this is human trafficking and you can/should go to jail for this. And I hope no med school in the country accepts  you.

  2. Oh, dear God.  I hope this is a joke, but I'm just not sure.

  3. WTF?

  4. This, from the "genious" who asked previously:

    "Does anybody know what happened to McCormicks GRILLMATES MARINADE GRILLING SAUCE? "

    Geeez.  Get a life.  And stay off this board.

  5. I would love to be able to adopt but i don't wanna put so much money into it

  6. Last ime I checked baby selling was illegal. I hope the authorities find you and take you away!!

  7. If this is a joke, you need to be reminded that there are people looking to love and care for children and who open their hearts and homes to build a family. This isn't funny. If this isn't a joke, having children to sell them off to people so you can have money to get something you want is disgusting. Children need answers to their past and it isn't helpful for their wellbeing to inform them that their birthparents wanted to buy something they couldn't afford so they conceived them and sold them off. I don't think you should be a doctor.

  8. if you are that interested in procreating for the sake of money, why not look into surrogacy. Your wife could be a surroget for someone else and that way you would not have to use your own DNA.

  9. That is not legal.  The "gift" (scholarship) would be considered a payment, and the adoption would be considered selling a child.  Both you-the parents-and the adopters in this case would be in legal trouble.

    I do not consider it adventurous and open minded.  I consider it selfish and greedy.

  10. Your question is sooooooooooooooo boring i cant be bothered to read nor answer it properly

  11. Is your wife up for this plan?  I think you are insane.  My insides are hurting contemplating this selfish plan.  

    It's really hard for me to imagine giving up any of my children for all the money on earth, I would give my life for them and you want to exchange one for an education.  I am completely flabbergasted.  

    I hope you are not able to have anymore even if you were going to keep them, you do not understand what it means to be a father.  You are supposed to protect your children with your life, not use them as a commodity.  I can't possibly believe that your wife would go along with this heartless plan.  If she would then she would be as brainless as she is beautiful.

    You go out there with your precious 155 IQ and come up with a real plan and use your God given brains and strength to make your dreams come true like a real man.

  12. Um you are a little insensitive, but whatever.

    It is highly illegal to do what you are suggesting.  However, if your wife is interested in carrying a baby for another couple, you can look into surrogacy, which does involve some form of payment.  But, just to have a baby to sell to someone to pay for you to go to med school, well...yeah that is not something that any lawyer would even think about dealing with.

  13. I am totally shock at something like this. I went through h**l trying to conceive my children and finally after several miscarriages. I was blessed with a new born through adoption. I can not believe your wife would be going a long with this, I am incline to consider that your playing on the hopes of some potential adoptive couples feelings. Pray, not intentional. But just in case you have not heard, selling babies is illegal. And what you are suggesting is just that.

  14. I gather that your education and goals in life are more important than your child.   Seeing that this is true..why would you bring a child into this world in the first place?   Whether the child was planned or not you still had a choice of either raising her or blessing a couple who is wanting to give love and a good home to a child.   I also gather that your father wanted children and was determined to have his name carried on and there for as you were born in 1984.  After your father was told twice that he would not be able to reproduce, the thought of father hood didnt leave his mind. In fact, it led him to want to share his home and love with a child whose mother/ father for whatever reason wasnt able to care for them.  Then, he was blessed to have a  Do you even care of the emotional scare that this child would have to bare?  I suggest you put your feelings aside. See, when you are a parent...its not about you. It's about them.  I hope you will not damage an innocent child..a child that loves you, I am sure.    Look at your beautiful 7 month old baby in her eyes....I am sure you cannot imagine life w/out her/him.

  15. why dont u go and sell ur daughter on ebay! u f*** head!

  16. You better hope the cops and CPS don't find out about this.  You know human trafficking is illegal.  How would you ever explain this to you existing child?  How would you explain it to the grandparents.  You know, your wife may be hypothetically on board, but I believe she will come to her senses when she feels the baby moving in her womb.  It was an incredibly powerful experience for both my wife and me.  Forget about seeing the baby in ultrasounds and hearing the heartbeat.  If you could go through with this totally absurd plan I would consider you totally heartless and unworthy to be a father.

    The other flaw in your plan is that it is just plain cheaper to adopt than to fund someones education to medical school.  Anyway, most docs don't really get rich, I have a feeling that's why you're so hot on it.  Why not go into real estate instead of selling your flesh and blood.

    God forbid the people you sell the baby to should abuse it.  Then you would stand responsible before the judgment bar of God.  I would not want to be in your shoes on that day.

  17. That is human trafficking.  Also, purposely creating people to suffer from adoption related loss is awful.

  18. You must be joking.  Obviously you are more concerned with getting money to go to college than the emotional well being of the child you want to give up for adoption.  

    Are you sure your IQ is 155?  You write eloquently but your lack of sensitivity and good judgement are nowhere to be found.

  19. i am alittle confused to tell u the truth. so are u trying to carry a child for someone else? giving it up for adoption, or what exactly id it that u guys are trying to do? r u trying to get have a child ..i am seriously very confused..yet you're wanting some information with adoption agencies..i am very lost

    omg..i just read it over again and now its starting to make sense R u out of your f*****g mind? u're f****g kiddin me right? u'd give up ur daughter for adoption? and your wife would too? what kinda peopole are u too? u should be shamed of yourself! i'd like to tell ur daughter about this once she's older!..i cant believe this! u obviously dont love YOUR daughter at all..and neither does your wife!

    y r u bragging about ur IQ of 155, u're on here to get agencies, adoption agencies that if you're so d**n smart, y dont u go to, then type in "adoption agencies and it will give about 100 different agencies, so y is that so hard to do? r u just trying to get people's opinion's on yahoo answers?

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