
I have an advertisement to critique. Any help?

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I have to critique an ad and write a report on it and then do an oral presentation/discussion.

The ad is for Propel water. It says "An overly caffeinated world deserves a sensibly caffeinated water." In it a woman's eyes are bulging out of her head and steam is coming out of her ears as her children fight in the backseat over a game.

If anyone can offer some tips on critiquing this ad, I would be very greatful. I'd like to focus on the message of the ad mainly. I'm really confused by it because it makes sense, but doesn't. She isn't drinking the Propel, and while I understand that some mothers feel this way when their children are fighting in the back of the car over a game, I do not see the relevance of this having to do with Propel water.

I'd also like to focus on any possible ambuigities in the ad, but am not sure how to approach them. Any help on this? I know that without seeing the ad there is only so much help one can offer, but I'll take any tips.

Thanks so much.




  1. Wow that ad sounds bad. Yes, I don't understand how the kids fighting in the back seat are related to Propel. I mean, are they saying that the kids drink too much caffeine? I don't think kids drink caffeine at all... or are they saying that the mom drank caffeine? And who wants a sensibly caffeinated water? Water is supposed to be healthy, nothing healthy about caffeine. I could go on and on, but I think you get my point. The ad makes no sense. I could understand if the kids were running around the house, she was chasing them and thirsty, grabs a propel, but even that makes little sense because I don't think moms or kids are Propel's target customers. Ad should have athletes, teenagers or other target customers in the ad. So wierd!

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