
I have an alcohol abuse problem and theres alcohol in the house? help!

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i have an alcohol abuse problem and ended up in the hospital becuase of it. well i had tried to kill myself and my alcohol abuse played a major role in it. im only 18 and im trying to stay away from it but i crave it so much! i was involuntarily hospitalized and attended alcoholism classes and they helped but its very very hard, especially when there is alcohol in the house! i live with my mom 21 year old brother, and sister, and my mom and brother both bring home alcohol (beer, liquor) and they both work so im left here in the house until i start college which will probably be next semester. anything i can do to stop craving alcohol?




  1. Try talking to them and tell them of your struggle and ask them to go to al-anon and you need their support. If they aren't willing, then maybe they have a problem as well. If you are going to A.A. you can bring that up as a topic for discussion and maybe you can find some temporary quarters, tho if you're brand new to A.A., that might be a little bit harder. I know it's rough if you don't have the support of family and you might have to try to stay away from home as much as possible. Keep yourself busy helping other alcoholics and it will help you stay sober as well. Good Luck!

  2. Gabe whats up wat else do you like doing besides drinking? I used to be a holic as well but I changed I drink everynow and then. Try drinking a energy drink those will boost you up well they do for me lol I still drink dont get me wrong on special occasions. Ocupie your time get a myspace or face book keep decorating your page keep your self busy. Being drunk wont do anything for you lil bro but get you into a big spill.  

  3. chuck your zoloft/prosac whatever the h**l into the trash, get over yourself, and get out of the house. if your going to college soon i find it hard to relieve yourself of this problem unless confront what is really bothering you. stop blaming alcohol for whatever skeletons you have in your closet. if you cant do that then do what the rest of america does and buries it deep inside and find something to fufill your time. ever hear of WOMEN?????? write poetry and start a band based on your f'd up existence, sports?????, i dunno something man.  

  4. You are in a tough spot but you can not expect the rest of the world to be dry. It just is not going to happen.

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