
I have an alignment problem...but

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so, I took my car in to get it aligned. The guy who worked on it is a trusted mechanic and family friend. After he finished I drove it home and noticed that it pulled to the right worse than when I took it in. I called him when I got home and explained the situation. He told me that because he reset my alignment completely the wheels might act weird for a little while. He then said to bring it by so he could rotate my tires and it might help.

I brought it to him the next morning for the rotation. He went outside to inspect my tires then came back inside. He told me that since the tires were rotated in March, I didn't need them rotated again. He also explained that the car might pull just because of its age--18 years old, but it only has 83,000 miles on it and runs next to new. And also that the new alignment could do more good to my tires than bad.

So I believed his little speech on my car straightening itself out. But how much of that is true? Is my car fixable or is it just that time?




  1. did he check all front-end components? how worn are your tires? are tires inflated properly? poor alignment job? how were the road conditions? roads are constructed so that they 'crown'.

    if i were you, get a second opinion.

  2. try changing your tyres over to the opposite position on the front ,but make sure there not a directional tyre .other wise they will be on back wards facing the wrong direction ,if the vehicle then starts pulling to the opposite direction ,to the left seeing as you said it pulled to the right .the tyre might have what they call a radial run off .if it does pull to the left then its a tyre problem ...also try and make sure you have a matched pair of tryes on the front ,,different makes of tyre can cause problem with steering ..

  3. Take you car to a competent alignment shop the little speech is just a little speech has nothing to do with age of the car.

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