
I have an aprilia sonic 50cc its 4mths old but will not run for more than 2mins

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My Aprilia scooter is 4 mths old the first couple of days it was fine. Then it would start but just not keep running once its stopped it fires back up but then the same again it just goes a few feet then stops. I cant get any of the garages or motor bike shops to look at it the place i got it just gets snotty and slams phone down on me can anyone help..the bike is a sonic skyjet




  1. ok, your filling this bike up from a gas tank like you use in a lawn mower right? you will find rust or dirt in those type containers, if this gets in the carb, it will allow it to idle but then when you get on and go to give it gas, it starves out.

    You will need to provide more info before we can help more.

  2. A pin-hole in the rubber fuel-line that you can hardly see, can be the cause of this symptom.  Has the fuel-line rubbed on something?  Air gets in, and then the engine has just an air-bubble to run on, so it stalls!  Gravity eventually fills the fuel hose again, until the air is sucked in again.  Seen it a lot on cars.  

  3. Sounds like a bent fuel or air intake line. Check and reroute. Also check that fuel filter. Got good gas?

  4. is the choke open or closed when it happens?

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