
I have an assignment for history class well please help me, look in the details....PLEEEAASEE?

by  |  earlier

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ok ummm well

my assignment is that i have to write my name in big letters

and post pictures from our own perspective

i dont really get what he means

can someone help?




  1. well he didn't give enough details. you should contact

    a friend before its too late and if you don't have time

    get a poster board draw your letters like this.

    BY THE WAY perspective means ( what you think)

    T ( a picture of you and a picture of tennessee)

    because  you like the state of tennessee)

    I a picture of the bird in the state of indiana...



  2. wierd. i have something REALLY simalar.

    since basically these are the first days of school, he probably means write your name in big letters on like a piece of computer paper, and paste things you like, like hobbies, friends, places, things like that, on the sheet of paper.

    example, well, in the middle, in a rainbow style, i put "About America"

    and then i put pictures of my friends, mdconalds, a wrapper of a gum, a picture of a tv, swimming, las vegas, things i enjoy doing

  3. it sounds like the teacher wants to get to know you.cut out pictures from old magazines, write down your favorites... ie: foods colors sports ect then find your pictures and glue them on your poster. have fun

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