
I have an associates degee in business management. how do I find a job in my field?

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I finished my degree in business management with a human resource emphasis. I am having difficulties finding a job in my field with no experience. How do I obtain experience when no one will hire me for a job? I currently have a data entry and answering phones job in a business because I figured I needed some type of office experience but I want a position in my field doing what I was trained to do.




  1. Requirement - finish a Bachelor's degree, even if it means nights at school for 2 or 3 more years.  I'd be proud of the AA degree, but the BA (BS, whatever) is the base requirement for most jobs.  No Bachelors, most companies won't even look farther, the job will go to someone else.

    Only alternative I can think of is working with a friend's company which will help you work on your Bachelor's while working for them. Some colleges or university (if they don't require the bachelor's to even get in the door..) have arrangements for employees to finish their bachelor's, so you might check around and look at this. My school now requires a bachelor's for secretary jobs even!

    You'll need to go on in school. Oh - Smaller companies may not be so hung up on degrees, and just might be interested in you, bachelor's or not - it would depend on the resume and your personality.

    The job market has gotten VERY competitive, just too many people also looking for work.

    Good luck.. been there!  

  2. it sounds like you need to get someone to help you prepare your resume.  you have some qualities there that i don't think you're selling well enough.  you say you have nearly 10 years work experience already.  it doesn't have to be in your field, but i'm sure you've gained skills, knowledge and experiences during that time that are marketable.  also you have an associate degree, which may not be a full degree, but it does show your able to commit and discipline yourself to study.

    get together with your partner and brainstorm the things you feel are good about you and that you bring to an employer, like time management skills, office knowledge, team worker, individual abilities, accuracy, service orientation, etc.  add to these the knowledge you gained from your uni course, theories of HRM, staffing and remuneration, law, etc.  don't forget the soft skills you acquired too, such as research and essay/report writing,conceptualisationg, note taking, active listening, etc.

    once you have these thrashed out, then get onto a website that shows you how to prepare a good resume, or approach your student advisers at uni and get some assistance on putting the relevant information down on paper so that it stands out and sells you to prospective employers.

    next, get on those job search websites and send your resume to as many firms that have jobs that you covet as possible.  then when you start getting replies, either for a job interview or rejection, make sure you ask for feedback.  even when you've done the interview, get feedback, so you can build on what they perceive are your weaknesses and then you can improve on them.

    keep going and don't give up as this too is a good quality to have for employment.  

    finally, if possible, keep ticking over your formal eduacation so you keep yourself learning as continuous learning is one of the key ingrediants in the workforce these days.

    all the best with this.

  3. that's about as good as you are going to get with an associates degree.  you will have to work your way up to management in a business after you get an entry level job-which you already have.

  4. Try visit

    There're various vacancies information's as you needed.

    Good Luck.

  5. try

  6. I have a BA with honors and cannot find work. Not only is the economy bad, but degrees are now coming in second to experience. One idea is to try to find a larger company and see if you can get in and work your way up. Or, try a temp agency and see if they can find you something. On the other hand, there may be a small local company who will hire you and let you help out with HR. I do not know what salary you are making now, but you are probably not going to make much more.

    I don't want to hurt your feelings or scare you, but degrees do not equal jobs many times. It does not matter how hard you worked. I have an almost 4.0 and I worked very very hard. All I have received are low-paying, unstable jobs. I know people with Master degrees out of work. I have seen lots of ads lately for HR jobs and every one of them wanted years of experience. Many wanted a BA, but even then, still wanted experience. It is a catch 22.

    You are in a good field, but without experience you are stuck. The schools do not tell you this. I am entering a paralegal certification program and I know the law firms want experience. The schools make it sound like we will all get great jobs easily, but I do not believe that. That is why I am trying to enter the field now, so I can have experience when I graduate in 2 years. The reason I am doing this at all is because there are openings for this, and it is a specific certification, which will give me stability once I get the experience. Hopefully. The problem is if your degree is in a non-needed or flooded field, or if it is not specific, you are going to have a hard time, because employers want real skills, not the paper. It really stinks.

    My school requires an internship and it has a job placement office and I intend to use both to my benefit. I am still a bit leery, because I don't want to waste the time. That is why I am taking a couple of classes at a time and watching the job market.

    You should really go back to your school and see if they have any job leads.

    And if you ever decide to go for a BA, make sure it is a viable degree and see if you can find an employer who offers tuition assistance.

    Good luck!

  7. You need to finish your need a BBA........took me 10 years......but I did it........get going.........AB........isn't much......sorry....

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