
I have an audition to take drama at college on tuesday..?

by  |  earlier

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we can either do a monologue, dualogue, dance piece or sing, it's a bit too late for me to start learning lines and stuff because i've been concentrating on my exams, and i cant dance for ****, so can anybody think of a theatrical song which really shows the acting abilities and voice range of the person singing it?






  1. What musicals do you know??

    Pick something familiar from them.

    It's better to do a familiar song well, than to mess up on something you're trying to impress with.

    One fun song for a female is "I'm just a girl who can't say 'NO!'" from OKLAHOMA.

    For a male I might recommend "Big Mole" from LOST IN THE STARS.

    Best wishes - Calm and collected always does much better than fancy done mediocre!

  2. you should sing or dance that always works

    my sisters are great now

    they are in drama collage

    do sound of music or annie

    my sisters auditioned with sound of musics sound of music

    they got in

    dont be presured

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