
I have an early rising toddler...?

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My son is 2 1/2 and gets up at 6 am every day. With a newborn it's hard to find the energy to get up with him at that time. Plus, I know he's not sleeping enough because after an hour he's cranky and yawning.

How do I get him to sleep in longer. I've tried sending him back to bed but he just screams and doesn't fall asleep. I've tried putting him to bed earlier, and putting him to bed later, but he still gets up at 6 am. It's like he has a little alarm clock go off in his head.

Any suggestions??




  1. Get into an afternoon nap routine for both your toddler and yourself - if that's possible.

  2. My son used to get up at 4:30 or 5:00 every morning.  He would be up until his ride to the sitter at 7:30 and he would have a good nap.  I unfortunately would have to head into work. I tried putting him to bed later. I had the sitter try to not give him his afternoon nap. Nothing worked.  I ended up going to bed about 9:00 or 10:00  just so I could get enough sleep.  He is now 7yo and won't sleep past 7:00 even on the weekends.  I wish you luck.

  3. Get a digital clock for his room with big numbers.  Use black tape to cover the minutes side.  Set the time and show him what the number 7 looks like.  Tell him that he can't get out of bed until the clock shows a 7.  I started the same thing with my daughter at about the same age and it has worked WONDERS!

    Also, now that fall and winter are coming, add that the sun has to be up.  In the winter she'll sleep until almost 8 because it stays dark for so long.

  4. Some people are just early risers.  Not much you can to change it.

  5. I know that it is hard for you. But here is a some season mother advise. Make him tired. Let him play outside until he feels like falling out. And i a sure you he will sleep a little longer.

  6. I have 4 children. They all get up at 6am on the dot and hit the floor running. I've tried everything I can think of so now I make sure I'm in bed by 10 in order to get enough sleep. I am grateful that they wake early on school days as it give me 2 1/2 hours to get everyone ready and out of the house. (A job with 4 under 7's) They also go to bed and sleep early so my husband and I have an evening together. Both these things work well for us as a family.

    I'm ever hopeful that when numbers 2 and 3 start school and preschool they'll be tired and sleep longer but I'm not holding my breath.

    My advice would be to stop worrying about it and use it to your advantage.  

  7. I know it is not the best suggestion but my niece is like that when she comes to stay with us. What I usually do is lay her down on the couch and put in a movie and she will lay there and watch it while the rest of us snooze a bit longer. She usually ends up falling back to sleep. My daughter also gets up way too early and is a crab an hour or so later and I just make her lay back down and take an early nap that day. But the skip the afternoon nap so she will still go to bed.  

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