
I have an elderly relative with problems with her tongue.?

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According to her, her tongue swells into her throat making it difficult to swallow, swollen on one side only, appearance segmented like a earthworm, and feels as though a worm is moving about. None of these symptoms are constant and no doctor has been able to recognize or diagnose the problems. Can anyone give me advice to pass along to her.?




  1. I have been to the Hospital Emergency three times with a swollen tongue. First time it was completely swollen and filled my mouth.  Second time the same, but third time, because took two Benadryl straight away when observing it was swelling, only half of the tongue did swell.   They do not know what, but I am allergic to something that creates my tongue to swell.  This was proven by the fact that in the Emergency, because they gave me intravenous with Benadryl my tongue started to go down.  The Third time, because of my taking Benadryl, it didn't fully fill my mouth.   I sincerely suggest, that this IS caused by some kind of allergy, and she/he have Benadryl on hand for when it ever happens again, if it ever does.   Benadryl is quick reacting, and they use it in the hospitals.  Tell her to be aware of the swelling, as soon as she can, then take two Benadryl straight away, which will stop it in her tracks.  The Hospital also suggested that I have an Emergency Pump, (needle) that one buys at any drug store, which when pumped into the thigh, immediately by the second, stops the allergic reaction.  I hope this helps.   Please also tell her that not to panic.  It is only when it fills the back of the throat completely, that it is dangerous, and this very rarely happens.  Keeping calm and doing the above, will help her immensely.

    By the way I am 77, which I suppose you COULD call elderly, although I still feel 30.

  2. I wonder if she is allegic to something.  Do these symptoms appear after eating or drinking something, using mouthwash, chewing gum, etc.?

    I attached the link for the Symptom Checker on Webmd.  Hope you can find out something to help her.

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