
I have an electrical outlet that is browning and smells of smoke. It's the 1st outlet of 7 on this circuit.

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The last outlet on the circuit has our refrigerator plugged into it. Is it possible that the 1st outlet is burning due to the total draw (possibly over-draw) of the circuit?




  1. If you mean right now, shut the breaker off and call an electrician.

    If there is nothing plugged into an outlet, then there should be no load or reason it would change colors or smell funny unless something was very wrong.

  2. could just be a loose connection on this outlet.  I would go get a new recepticle which is only about a buck and turn off this curcuit and replace it making sure the connections are tight.


  3. USA    If there is nothing plugged into the receptacle that is "browning", there is probably a loose connection at that receptacle.  If the receptacle is in good physical condition, there is no need to replace it.  De-energize the circuit.  Remove the wall plate, then remove the screws holding the receptacle in the box.  Pull the receptacle out, and check the wire connections on each side.  There are 3 connections - black, white, and bare ground.  I assume a black or white wire is loose.  If any of the connections are sooty or black, clean them with a dry cloth or very fine abrasive.  Make sure the wire is tight around the head of the s***w in a clockwise direction, and tighten the connection.  If the wires are pushed into the back of the receptacle, remove them and wrap them around the screws and tighten them up.

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