
I have an employment offer in dubai,uae dirham 4500/month plus free accomodation and travel allowances.?

by  |  earlier

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is it a good employment offer?

the contract states that they will give me a residence visa...




  1. If the Company will provide your accomodation plus your travel allowance I think 4.5k Dirhams is enough for you. I can't say its a good or a bad offer. It's how you will budget and hold your income. You will come to know that when you were already and how you will spend your money and how you will choose the lifestyle you like.

    If they are going to hire you, definitely they will provide your residence visa. what you need to know more about your contracts are; medical insurance, your ticket yearly, increment, insentives, etc.

  2. It all depends on your lifestyle.. 4500dhs is equal to $1125 a month canadian..

    check out this site

    good luck!

  3. Dear first of all you have not mentioned whether you are going to bring you family along ? it depends on how lavishly you live here in Dubai and what are ur expenses b'cose Dubai is a city where a person can save from 5K Dhs/- and can also spend 5K Dhs in a week. I am not discouraging you but the fact is cost of living in Dubai is really very costly b'cose accommodation rising every year.

    You said company is going to pay ur accommodation and transport but what about some other expenses , as you have not mentioned whether ur company is going to pay or you have to pay from ur pocket -----

    1) health expenses as private hospitals are very very expensive

    2) electric ,telephone,Internet and water bills

    3) toll tax known as salik here

    4) air fare becose generally everybody get air fair every 2 years here.

    5) family visa

    there are many other small small expenses which you will come to know after coming here.

    If you are single then the salary is ok but if you are bringing your family with children along then I would suggest do sign a contract after having a healthy discussion with your sponsor, b'cose the fact is schooling is very very costly here and in case you want to send ur child to an international school then coming here with this salary is not worth enough.

    Gd Luck

    You'r free to ask any query reg dubai i'll be happy to answer.

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