
I have an energy drink addition HELp?

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i have an energy drink addiction and how many energy drinks can u drink a week and not die




  1. find a better drink or start drinking less and less.Also if you find something awesomely goodthen drink that.Explore your

  2. if ur drinking too many, u start throwing up. thats usually a good warning sign. but they raise ur blood pressure and heart rate, along with giving u diabetes and weakening ur bones. taking this into consideration, u wont see the effects immediately, but it does surface eventually

  3. I drink 5 monsters a day, hence my name, and I'm healthy.

  4. stop much sugar my cause diabetes

    drink water way more healthy for you

  5. You shouldn't have to many

    next time drink water and not buy as many energy drinks

  6. I used to be addicted to Red Bull...still love the occasional one, but now I'm hooked on Fruit2O - fruit-flavored water.

    It's better for you, and although it doesn't do the same thing (doesn't have all that caffeine), it tastes great!

    I haven't seen it much in grocery stores, but I get mine in the 32 pack case at Sam's Club for around $10 each.

  7. You ever try Vemma?  It is very natural, as a high energy nutrition drink and 2 oz. makes you feel full just about all day long.  Not to mention energetic enough to work and play.  But it won't effect you abilities to eat either when deciding you really want to and will even compliment a meal well.

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