
I have an icelandic exchange student new at my school.

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nobody can pronounce her name the way it is supposed to be said. It is spelt Gudren.

can anyone help me out




  1. Why don't you be her friend, Icelanders are incredibly nice from what I hear. She's probably beautiful, at least on the inside.  

  2. Her name is written Guðrún in icelandic, "ð" is pronounced like "th" in the and when there is "guð" we say add "v" between "g" and "u" in the pronunciation : "gvuthroon" ..

  3. "I'm from iceland and Gudren isn't an icelandic name. But I assume you mean Guðrún. It's pronounced Guth-roon. Although the th is not pronounced as strongly as it usually is in English."

    ^^My friend wanted me to say that.

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