
I have an idea and I want opinions on it?

by  |  earlier

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OK here is my idea. Everybody knows that the economy is in the crapper. When people lose their jobs one of the first things to go is the family pet. They can't afford to feed it anymore. My idea is a food pantry for animals. When a person is out of work They can pick up food for their animals that has been donated by companies and individuals. It would be a short term fix until the person can find a job. I haven't worked out ANY details or anything else for that matter. I just know that the shelters are fuller than ever around here and something needs to be done. So is it a good idea or just a dumb one and I haven't figured it out yet?




  1. I think it's a great idea...and you're right...the pets are the first to go in hard times.

    Personally...I'd rather starve than give up my pets, but most people don't feel the same way.

    Edit: I'm really tired and suck at brainstorming ;) I guess the first place you need to start is the food companies. Contact them and see if you can get the ball rolling on donations. If you don't have a location site for the "pantry" then you might contact some local shelters and see if they are interested in participating or allowing you to use their facilities to hand out the food. Other than that...I'm brain dead! Good luck with your really is a great idea.

  2. Sounds like a great idea to me!

  3. great idea!

  4. It's a good idea, but many (human) food pantries will accept donations of pet food and the like.  I know my local food pantry has been asking for donations to help pets.  So you might try just donating to an existing food pantry rather than starting your own - people will only have to make one stop for food for themselves and for their pets that way.

  5. I think that is a lovely idea! Great looking out and smart thinking!

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