
I have an idea but can't put it to words!?

by Guest65890  |  earlier

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I have an idea for a great novel adventure series that talk about different features of the world. I've been thinking over a lot of details about the story but when it comes time to actually put it to paper the words don't come.

Are there any ideas or tips that anybody could give me?




  1. I would say just to freewrite without feeling pressured to produce anything specific.  For example, don't sit down to write Chapter 1.  Instead when you feel in the mood, write a bit from off the top of your head, maybe a scene from the middle of the book, a description of a character, or anything else that comes to mind.  It may not end up in the final manuscript but will just help you start writing without feeling so pressured.

  2. Use a recorder? Maybe you're better at talking than at writing.

  3. It could be what the Buddha was talking about. The truth can never be expressed, but only lived

  4. this is going to sound completely insane, but if you have a tape recorder go somewhere where u can think alone and just try talking to yourself to try and get the words out, record yourself speaking your ideas even if they sound retarded lol you know what you are talking about so no one elses opinion is needed. find pictures post them up around you, any thing that you think of try to make it into something you can see or hear  or touch to help you see different sides of it, and mabey you will be able to put it into writing, it just a process of getting your thoughts out of your head and into the open, then you can put them down on paper. try going to these places, if you can and see for yourself...

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