
I have an idea for a free to the public newspaper, but i need investment, any one interested,, make loads,,?

by  |  earlier

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I have an idea for a free to the public newspaper, but i need investment, any one interested,, make loads,,?




  1. They are known as 'advertising supported rags' .. there are hundreds of them .. I get 2 or 3 pushed through the door every week (they go straight into the recycle bin).

    Fact is, the market is saturated ... and the coming downturn is likely to see most go out of business as companies cut down on advertising costs (especially costs wasted on printed material)

    Only those in well established markets (such as 'small ad' second hand car sales - where every seller pays to advertise) with massive distribution networks are likley to survive .. and even here some will loose out to the web ..

  2. depends on your location.  A know some guys here in town (calgary) started a free newspaper and sold it years later for 800,000.  Not a bad ROI

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