
I have an immediate family member that sent me a wedding invitation one week before the wedding.?

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It will look bad if I don't attend and I want to be kind to the bride and groom. The bride does not like my wife b/c she is from Brazil and has always been rude to her. We have never said anything to them and never will, but it does hurt our feelings. What should we do? It is rude when we have heard that other family members received their invitations two months ago. We do not want to create a scene.




  1. You are not obligated to attend, especially if you did not receive your invitation until one week prior. If it will be easy for you to attend the wedding, then go, and don't make a big deal out of it. If you have to make travel arrangements or hire a babysitter, then tell them you can't attend, and buy them a nice enough gift so that it doesn't look like you're spiteful about their lack of good manners.

    Better to kill them with kindness.

  2. Go to the wedding, bring your lovely wife and make sure she looks really fine. Your relative probably thinks you won't show. I would go, give a small token present, and have a wonderful time showing off your wife.

  3. Sounds to me like they purposely didn't invite you, then either felt guilty, or got in trouble for it by someone, so they sent you a very late invite.

    I wouldn't go. Stay home and have more fun. 8)

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