
I have an important question..about water!?

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I bought a gallon of water and on the container it says from a fluoridated municipal source but it's carbon filtered and ozonated, what does from a fluoridated municipal source mean? Does that mean it has fluoride in it or removed from it? I really need to know..thank you!




  1. Bottled water, other than water represented as mineral and spring, is water from any source that can be treated by carbonation, ozonation and/or irradiation to eliminate most bacteria. Some bottled water are simply water from a community water supply that is bottled for sale. The treatments applied to water must be identified on the label. Therefore, water can be "carbonated" or "sparkling", "deionized", "demineralized", "distilled", "fluoridated".

    Seniors live way too long if they avoid fluoride. Water fluoridation helps their bones break easier with no warning, and death soon follows. Fluoridation is the most humane way, of ensuring that their estates can benefit those of us who matter!!fFloride was initially added for strong teeth.

    Fluoridated has more harm than good.    

  2. It has fluoride in it.

  3. It's tap water. The carbon removes any bad tastes, the ozone sterilizes it.

    The fluoride is still in it.

  4. It means that it has fluoride in it. Don't drink it!

  5. It means that the water source is from a town that has fluoride in the water, if u don't want it, dump it and get regular spring water to drink.

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